One new ship under the Estonian flag could generate EUR 45,000–240,000 in tax revenue for the state budget, says the Foresight Centre report “The Future of Estonia as a Flag State. Development Scenarios up to 2040“. One proposed path for Estonia’s development is putting the emphasis on environmental sustainability and becoming a “flag state for green ships”.
Could Estonia become a flag state for green ships?
Estonia’s ports likely to grow with the creation of the Adriatic-Baltic trade corridor
Among the major ports on the East coast of the Baltic Sea, Lithuanian, Latvian, Polish, and Russian ports have experienced a growth in trade volumes over the last decades (2010–2018), says the Foresight Centre report “The Future of Maritime Trade in Estonia. Development Scenarios up to 2040“.
Webinar on Future of Maritime Trade
Maritime transport has been called the blood circulation of global economy – nine-tenths of the goods traded around the world are shipped by sea, and the shipping volumes grow along with the economic growth. What does future hold for shipping over the next decades, in view of the anticipated long-term developments in maritime economy, and the emerging risks?