Lenno Uusküla
Chief Economist at Luminor Group, former Head of Research at Foresight Centre
Lenno received his PhD degree in Economics at the European University Institute in Florence, Italy. Previously he has studied at the College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium and at the University of Tartu. Before joining the Foresight Centre, he worked as a Senior Economist at the Research Division of the Economics and Research Department of Eesti Pank (Bank of Estonia), and as an Economist at the European Central Bank. His research has focused on macroeconomics and financial stability, though by far not exclusively. He has published papers in leading field journals, and currently supervises and teaches students at the University of Tartu.
Linked news
31.10 2021Report: Estonian residents underestimate the risk of needing long-term care
Estonian residents underestimate the risk of needing long-term care according to the Foresight Centre report The Need for Long-Term Care in Estonia. One in two of the now 65-year-old Estonian residents will need long-term care services in the future.