The Foresight Centre gave the Economic Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) an overview of its last year’s activities. In the opinion of the Chairman of the Committee Sven Sester, their studies help increase Estonia’s competitiveness.
Before starting to draft scenarios on what the labour market in Estonia until 2035 will be like, it is necessary to understand what kind of changes are to be expected on the basis of existing evidence. Within the framework of the future of work project, we will study both the demographic changes and the changing of the nature of work, and afterwards we will place the scenarios in the context of social system and taxation.
An international innovation conference in Tallinn is bringing together almost 200 experts today. The conference will focus on promoting innovation in Estonia, ways for creating an environment that supports innovation, and analysing Estonia’s opportunities for improving the effectiveness of the innovation policy.
At the occasion of the Tallinn Digital Summit, five European organizations will gather to reflect about a joint initiative: the “European Digital Squads”. The objectives of the project are first, to produce policy scenarios and solutions for the digital future of Europe and second, to improve the dialogue between European institutions and digital ecosystems. This will be fulfilled by catalyzing the working capacities and the visions of expert bodies from four different countries, in a short period of time. The cooperation is open to other organizations willing to join the initiative later on.