Innovation conference for the decision makers: role for the government.
Speaker: Naomie Verstraeten, Programme manager, Brainport International Programme
Innovation conference for the decision makers: role for the government.
Speaker: Naomie Verstraeten, Programme manager, Brainport International Programme
Innovation policy’s role in helping manufacturing SMEs create and keep a competitive edge.
Experience of Germany Speaker: Uwe Cantner, Professor of Economics, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Member of the Expert Commission on Research and Innovation reporting to the German Federal Government
Innovation conference for the decision makers: role for the government.
Speaker: Dennis Tsu, Executive Director, Corporate Strategy, Stanford Research Institute
Innovation conference for the decision makers: role for the government.
Speaker: Rathindra DasGupta, Consultant, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, USA
Innovation conference for the decision makers: role for the government.
Innovation conference for the decision makers: role for the government.
Arenguseire Keskus korraldas seminari “Mida järeldada viimase aja tööturu-uuringutest?”
Arenguseire Keskus korraldas 14. juunil 2017 seminari „Teistmoodi tulevik“, et arutleda avaliku (e)valitsemise tuleviku, tuleviku töö mängureeglite ning tootlikkuse arengu teemadel.
Arenguseire Keskus tutvustab oma tegevust ja kahe esimese aasta tegevussuundi. Esimeste töödena on keskusel kavas läbi viia kolm suurt uurimisprojekti, mis analüüsivad avaliku valitsemise tulevikku, töösuhete mängureegleid ning pikaajalisi tootlikkuse arenguid.